So here we are... We have finally reached the point were we have a device similar to the Star Trek: The Next Generation PADD. Yes, originally, we could have said that for the Blackberry, or for the iPhone or even with the Droid, as they have touch screens and display stuff, but then again, they were small in comparison to what the Star Trek PADD is. There is even eBook readers now about the same size as the iPad, but in this case, not quite as 'versatile' as what the iPad is now.
Now, the iPad isn't really original technology. Microsoft pushed out TabletPC several years before Apple made iPad. Why is it not popular? Well, partially, spin. Tablet PCs, like PocketPCs weren't advertised as much as the iPad is, the style of it is basically an expensive laptop with a flip and touch screen.
Apple is taking advantage of its current iPhone and iPod 'look and feel' appeal that is the hit for many of their iPhone and iPod users. The simplicity of it. Amazon's Kindle is working on the same premise, although given it is using eInk, basically plain black and white technology for basically, pure paper and ease of Reading, which is what an eBook focuses on... The iPad will blow the pants of eBook reading as it will allow users to not only read documents, but watch videos and compose documents on something simple.
Looking at the technical specification, it is literally an oversized iPhone/iPod... The biggest storage capacity is about 64 gigs. It comes with WiFi or WiFi/3G (Through AT&T), so it isn't going to act like a laptop, more like a Netbook without the keyboard. At best, it is literally an iPhone/iPod for people who don't want the small screen, but a much better size screen to read text like papers and one of the pushes, comic books.
Now I know some people have written some interesting comments about the iPad and what it will do for some of us.
- Publications - Reduces the need to use paper for various publications, such as newspapers, books and comics that a lot of us have nowadays. Which means less impact on the tons of wood and chemicals needed to make these items.
- Faster access to information - No longer waiting for things to be delivered to your doorstep or to your store, it can be pulled up when you are near a WiFi or using a cellular service.
- Elimination of multiple forms - While I saw this before the iPad, there are some medical facilities using Data Pad entry systems to help get patients registered without having to do 'double entry'. Double entry being that the patient puts down the information, and then the nurse or person at the office has to re-enter it into the computer system. The multiple forms would be for areas who have large ethnic diversities, where not everyone reads or writes in the same language.
- Publications - The old Science Fiction book by Ray Bradbury, 451 Fahrenheit, comes to mind. Controlled publication and information. Similar to the movie, 'The Net', where electronic information can be manipulated, where as printed information can also be manipulated as well, but once printed, it cannot be unprinted. A record of something is now physically manifested until it is destroyed. Paper based information, while not environmentally friendly, is also harder to manipulate short of destruction, and eventually, it might lead to such things.
- Eventual dumbing down of technology - As more and more electronic toys are being made for the simplistic use, the less need to care how it works, just that it works. A classic example is something my junior high school teacher noticed that annoyed the crap out of him. Go to a fast food restaurant. When the computer is down, watch how they tend to twiddle their thumbs. "Can't take your order, our system is down." This was back in the 80s. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but paper orders and calculating the cost of something on paper when you have posted prices... Isn't that hard.
Political Correctness tends to do that. And eventually, would direct some of the technology to allow it to happen much easier.
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