Saturday, May 28, 2016

Obama's Hiroshima Apology and Social Media

So, someone posted the following:

What sets me off is the fact that this is actually... INCORRECT.

The original text of Obama's speech is this:

No where in there does Obama state that dropping the bomb on Hiroshima was evil.

What makes me even more annoyed...  Is this:

 Said group didn't look up the following:

A country that is still apologizing to this day for what has happened 70+ years later, and quite possibly will still do so for years to come.

Another argument made was why should we apologize for a bomb that has killed over 100 thousand people killed between the two bombs alone in retaliation for an attack that got us into a war we were partially taking part in and killing 2,403 men, wounding 1,178.  This argument grated at me where they ignored the fact that between the two nuclear bombs dropped, the number of dead is an 'equivalent' retaliation.

This is the problem with Social Media and also Social Engineering...

Social Media, and perhaps media itself, is a way to define a narrative without presenting facts.

That the use of a nuclear bomb on a city is justifiable retaliation for being attacked.  That our retribution is justifiable at any cost.  That we have no reason to be sorry to do what we want because our cause is right.

Sadly, this is what a terrorist or a jihadist would rationalize their belief.  They should not feel sorry for doing whatever it takes, as it is retribution for hindering their agenda.

You say we don't have an agenda?  You are sorely mistaken.  We want our gas prices to be low, our involvement in Kuwait was part of our agenda to keep the oil from the Mid-east flowing to keep oil prices reasonable.  We tolerate some of the social injustices in Saudi Arabia because it suits our agenda for Oil once again.

We still deal with China, a Communist country, and some of its social issues because said electronics you buy, are, made in China...

We all have agendas that is about our immediate comforts, but when it comes to Social Media, we all try to play out that we are 'high and mighty'.  But in the end of it all, it is still following an agenda people want.

Young Conservatives hate Obama, so they spin up a Social Media snafu using people who cite information with only a one side of the coin, not the full side and misquoting a speech to suit their agenda...

In the end of it all, people should take the time to read the actual 'apology' to Japan about Hiroshima...

My take on this, while I don't believe an apology was fully necessary, is that Obama believes that we (Not just the Americans, but everyone in the world) need to remember Hiroshima for the one thing it does point to that some of us who lived our young and teenage years of the 80s feared as well as those who lived through the 50s, 60s and 70s, the fear of a nuclear war...  The potential of a nuclear war is STILL there...  And with other countries now developing Nuclear or Dirty Nuclear weapons, the horrors of what we have learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only cities to be have been intentionally nuked by a country.

What has been repeatedly stated, time and time again, is if we do not learn from the use of Nuclear weapons on our two only know uses of a Nuclear Weapon on actual cities and the moral implications...  How are we, as human race, be able to survive when we don't accept the consequences for our actions, regardless of the reason for those actions?

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