Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christoforo again...

As much as some people want to defend Paul Christoforo, the saddest thing of it all... It is undeserved. The reason I state this is by looking into two things:
This is a screenshot of a tweet he sent out... Second, is this: Now some of this is old news for people, but I have to say to people who want to defend Paul about this situation to consider this... In the tweet he put up, his analogy is the WORST excuse for his situation for a few reasons. 1) Most civilized people will not go into a bar to throw a punch at anyone, regardless of whether or not the other person is or is not a martial artist. 2) His analogy fails again at the fact that he claims Mike K. is a martial artist champion that didn't tell him he was. Apparently, the fact of the matter is, Mike literally told him, "Google my name... I run PAX and Penny Arcade." 3) He makes Mike out to be a bully looking for trouble. That he intentionally wanted Paul to punch in him the face... Except when you READ the series of e-mails, you see Mike didn't really go into it until the end. Another thing to consider, when you read the Escapist Magazine entry, Christoforo was literally holding his client's digital assets hostage. Demanding a CONTRACT and pay from the company that fired him due to his own bad faith. If anything, this is a prime example of the man getting what is coming to him. He treated others with contempt and now he is reaping the karma he had coming to him. Needless to say, those who wish to keep defending him, go right on ahead. However, those with any common sense, consider this man a pariah with regards to employment for anything Customer or Public Relations in mind. I will also leave one last thing to consider. A man who is 38 and does not like to 'write' being in a position of Public Relations is NOT a good idea. As you can see, this man has already torn down one company's business with his practices and with his unwillingness to see what he did as being wrong in general, only sorry for picking the wrong kind of fight and then even extort his former clients... This is one person who is more likely to cause ruin and destruction than actually be 'helpful' for a company.

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