Monday, December 24, 2012

NRA Spokesman LaPierre - You are a fool.

Let me first start off by stating this...

Mr. LaPierre. You are a fool.

While I am 40 years old, single, and probably a recluse in the most common sense... Let me point out a few things that you should be aware of before you make another foolish statement with regards to 'who is to blame' for the shooting a week ago.

I spent most of my young life in trouble. In elementary school, I was teased, and I lashed out. I was sent to the Principal's office at least once or twice a year.

I grew up watching shows featuring violence, ranging from Batman Live Action, while it was fake, it was still violent. I watched cartoons like Looney Tunes which also featured violence, while it was slapstick, it was still violent.
When I went to Junior High School, I managed to almost avoid having to deal with a principal, out of my OWN wish to do so.

In High School, I never visited the Principal or got suspended to my recollection. But I will admit, during my years in High School, I did get in a scuffle at times, had desires to be violent, but kept it in. I also had my first time firing a weapon. It was also during that time, I was playing a lot of violent video games, such as Castle Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Wing Commander, Battle over Britain and the like.

The 80s and 90s, there were violent movies, like Highlander, Terminator, Terminator 2, horror movies, one of which I recall when I was younger, still had issues with... But in the times of my violent youth... I have NEVER entertained the idea of taking a gun and shooting people up. Even when I was in my twenties or even thirties... And even in the time when I was let go and had the ability to get a firearm on my own... I never, ever felt the need to get a gun and take my grievances with another human being with a gun.

Now I may only be one person... But I find that your statement that it is because of violent games, because of violent media that school shootings happen, by far, the most foolish, most irresponsible thing to come from the NRA.

I am not advocating Gun Control. I also find that your statement of putting an armed person at school is not necessarily going to solve the problem.
You want reasons?

Here is a few I can list off:

1) There is a likely chance you place the crazed person there that you want to prevent. No human is immune to going crazy, not even the person you put there to protect the innocent.
2) The chances that the person can stop the other person can be drastically dropped further by the fact that fore-knowledge of an armed person will also be the most likely to be taken down first.
3) One armed person cannot cover all the possible ways onto a school campus and reduce or stop the loss of life at any location.
4) An armed security person is as likely to cause a loss of innocent life as much as a crazed person by accident. Just note that we have had accidental shootings by police officers to civilians at times as well as to other officers due to situations that put said officers on the edge.
5) It puts one more weapon reachable to someone to misuse should said armed security person is rendered incapacitated by one means or another, which can happen.
6) Your likening of Israel to our situation... I find most foolish as well. Given that at this time, Israel is also in a situation where the country is at odds with several countries around it, such as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Jordan as well as the more extreme Muslims. While I may not know enough about Israel persay about their people, we know that they are, embroiled with conflicts that has put them on the defensive more than anything else, that it is no surprise they have the need for more stringent needs.

Lastly... I call for you to realize something. You want people to look at violent games and violent media to be the reason for the shootings. I want you to look at something. I want you to look up the reason why the ESRB was needed. It came about when Mortal Kombat, a violent video game, was released to the public. The public outcry was about how graphic the violence was being sold. The public, being parents, who bought the game for their kids, ignoring the simple, most effective parenting method out there... Looking and seeing what the game was about. Movies are rated PG-13 and R for their content, which again, should be due to Parental Guidance.

Do you see a 'theme' here, Mr. LaPierre. The issue is not about the violence in games and media, it is how the generations of parenting is slowly eroding in handling children. Again, I am 40 years old, and yes, I am no parent. But I had parents, one I hate, one I love dearly, but they helped guide me not to be a sociopath or a murderer... And I still play violent games, I still watch violent movies... Hell, I have a knife on me at almost all times, but I never entertained the idea of killing a human being with it unless my life was in danger. I never entertained the idea of getting any sort of gun to kill another human being or a lot of them. But god help us all if you still want to play the violent video games and violent media is the reason for school shootings... Cause I should definitely be locked up, since I technically fit that profile, yet... Here I am, one of the more SANER people with regards to that.

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