Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Meanwhile... On the road...

After getting the part about the music ranting, time to put in some good old fashion Road Rage on the net.

As someone once said, and this was coming from a Southern Californian, "So Cal people don't know how to drive in the rain." Which is true... We have idiots who drive without the lights on, so obviously they think just cause they can see other cars in a hazy mist, that people with windows spotted with water and a misty air, can see them without their headlights on.

Come on, So Cal People... Wake up. The law states you should have your headlights on during FOGGY DAYS as well as RAINY DAYS. There is a reason for that, especially you people in your SILVER like cars.

One of my other rants is just plain stupid people driving out there. Like people who do last minute "Oh crap, exit is here!" and do sharp lane changes. Or people who make turns in lanes they aren't suppose to. If my old DMV instructor saw you people out on the road doing that, he would be yelling at you and throwing things at you. Me, I just call you *bleepin* moron. Cause, in all honesty, you are.

The cops may not be out there to catch you, but honestly, you shouldn't be doing that even if the cops aren't there. You aren't saving time, you are going to get someone killed who can't react, all in the effort to 'save time' for your stupidity.

Do the world a favor... GET OFF THE ROAD. I will admit, I speed a little, I want to save time, but when I make a mistake like miss my exit or my turn... I don't try to fix it by doing something even more stupid like make sharp lane changes or turn where I am not suppose to.

Remember, the best thing to do is to show up late than not show up at all because you got in an accident or got someone else in an accident trying to save time.

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