Friday, March 29, 2013

Continued debate of Adria Richards.

So I read a posting from the Washington Post with regards to Adria Richards...

I have to say, this is NOT like the fact of a rape victim being blamed for her own attack.

Unlike a rape victim, where the most common ploy to detract the act of rape is to make it look like the victim wanted or acted like they wanted the act...  Adria's issue was that she made an event public that cause someone to get fired from their job, and made others react in a way that I would liken to the level of Lynch Mob retribution.

Let's put this in proper perspective here.  I will admit I am a guy.  I'm a tech to.  But I don't believe lashing out at Adria for her mistake.  I will say it was the worst idea she had, but threaten her?  Attack her company to show my dissatisfaction?  No.

She did something fatally bad that cost a person a job.  She deserves proper, constructive criticism on the fact that how she handled it was not the best or proper way of handling a situation.  She involved the internet in the situation without putting it in the proper, unbiased perspective and put it in such a way that the person she implicated got the short end of the stick.

Do I think she needed to be fired from Sendgrid for her mistake?  Honestly, no.  But it doesn't do the company any good either in her situation that she represents a company with her name and like how Paul Christoforo made it difficult for the Avenger Controller group with his bad behavior, it isn't really surprising how her situation was less than ideal either given the company was under fire from the irate people.

Now what all critics should agree with, the ultimate fault is with the internet itself.  The people who follow people like Adria Richards and other people, who take on the 'lynch mob' mentality to attack people or react to a situation without all the information or handling the situation on their own...  Create the problems that we should be 'better people' about, but like humanity has proven, time and time again, we do the wrong things for the 'right reasons'.

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