Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The 'Tech Trade' and 'Sexism' argument...

I will admit, most of the 'boys' will still consider the 'tech trade' as a mostly boys club.  But then again, consider this...

Mechanics was also a 'mostly boys club' as well as politics.  Not just cause guys considered it a 'men's' thing to do, but the interest.  Not many women show interest in mechanics or construction or even in the tech world...

Now mind you, I am not saying women don't belong in these areas, but think about it...  Men were so used to the idea that it was 'just the boys'.  Most women would even go as far as to say, "It's a man's thing." too.

Now mind you, I grew up through the 70s, 80s and 90s...  I was there when things were changing and still changing.  We are watching shows like Mad Men today that pointed out those distinctions, and that is a show set in the 50s and 60s.

This even goes back to the tried and true situation of the use of certain words between people.  The silly thing is, change will still take time and we are too invested in the 'changing the world now' to realize that some things are like wounds that can't be undone over night.

Now looking  at this article...


There is this statement at the end:

Richards has every right to complain about inappropriate sexual comments at a tech conference. There is a sad sexist subculture at many tech conferences and women everywhere are getting fed up. The way to change it is to speak up.
This...  I do agree with.  However, speaking up and blasting people's faces and names to the internet is not the best way to speak up.  I would liken it to taking her picture and posting how she makes off hand jokes about men 'catting about' or 'needing a tighter back end'...  The thing is, this is not only taken out of context, but me hitting on really old coding terms and making it seem like she was commenting with sexual innuendos.  She even makes such comments herself, which seems rather foolish in the 'double standards'.

To be honest, sexualism is going to be something that will not be 'driven' away over night in this situation.  The whole "Political Correctness" bit and "Sensitivity" is way too over-sensitive, and the internet is basically the new 'Wild West' where people are all shooting from the hip and doing things reactively, and like the wild west, we do have our own lynch mobs.

The sad thing is, we have so much 'sensitivity' about a lot of things, but not enough 'sensitivity' in how we handle the situation.

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